🖼️Generating an image

from imaginepy import Imagine, Style, Ratio

def main():
    imagine = Imagine(style=Style.ANIME_V2)

    img_data = imagine.sdprem(
        prompt="Woman sitting on a table, looking at the sky, seen from behind",

    if img_data is None:
        print("An error occurred while generating the image.")

        with open("example.png", mode="wb") as img_file:
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred while writing the image to file: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Parameters for sdprem functions

"model_version": #It seems that is always 1
"prompt": #The prompt itself + Style Mods
"negative_prompt": #Negative Prompt
"style_id": #The id of the style
"ratio": #The desired image ratio
"seed": #A random number that can go up to 999999999
"cfg": #CFG scale adjusts how much the image will be like your prompt. Higher values keep your image
closer to your prompt.
Note: Higher values can reduce the output quality, giving less room to the Al for being creative.

"priority": #0 or 1, it should get you faster render
"high_res_results": #0 or 1, it should get you the maximum render res

Last updated